Sunday, January 30, 2011


As 2010 came to an end, many thoughts shot through my head at the gun speed, and I really had to just sit down and close my eyes in order to able to properly reflect on the past year. Actually no, that even didn’t work, so I’ll just reflect as I write this entry. I’ve got to admit that I didn’t get the privilege of celebrating the beginning of 2011 with the same level of joy as I had earned last year. I suppose that says a lot, for someone who is spending their New Year Eve at home this year.

2010 hasn’t exactly been the easiest; I’ve had many ups and downs (yes, like a rollercoaster ride) but overall it’s been fairly pleasant. I’ve able to experience lots of new things, like drinking for the first time; fight with a girlfriend for the first time (I consider all firsts to be a ‘good’ thing.), going IIT for competition, starting the band, reuniting with school friends, becoming closer to current friends, and so on. As always, there are the negative aspects, but there’s really no use of dwelling on those.

The most common New Year resolution that I’ve heard amongst friends is to find a girlfriend. It’s like everyone is fixated on this one idea that one must have a significant other in order to be happy. But you know, sure, you’ll be loved and have someone to care for, but with the all happiness comes a bundle of feeling of jealousy, worry and stress. Ah I make it sound like it would be a bad thing to be in a relationship. Well, I wouldn’t be complaining, but there’s got to be a balance of this huge mass of emotions. The feeling of happiness has to outweigh that of stress, and once it tips the opposite direction, your relationship starts to go down really fast. And not only that, but you have worry about your girlfriend while focusing on your studies. Tough job no?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hello World

This blog was created with the intentions of trying to clear my mind with all the mess inside me.

I believe that whatever happens in my life happens for a reason, and that will make me the best person that I can be, but sometimes the process is harsh. I don’t like my current state. It’s not that I hate being me, I love being Mohit. It’s just few things that happened in the past few days/weeks/months would have been different if I had treated them differently. What i mean is, sometimes, I don’t get something I really want, not because I can’t, but just because I didn’t work hard enough.

Most people would blame others, when they faced the same situation (I do too, sometimes) but, really they should blame no one but themselves. At this moment, I am regretting why I had not put more effort that day. Why did I give up? Why? It’s not that I didn’t have enough resources, it’s that I thought what I did was enough but it’s wasn’t. What really sucks is that it has happened many times to me and I don’t seem to learn any lessons from my previous experiences. Or maybe I do and after a while I forget about them.

I try to give my best in what I do, I promise. If I fail to keep my promise, please remind me. I believe in my future. Nothing can destroy me, every mistake, problems, fights makes me stronger.